Thursday, July 31, 2014

Team Fortress 2: Weapon to an Unusual: Day 1

Now, I've seen a ton of "Weapon to Unusual" trade stories and stuff, so I decided to give it a shot myself, keeping track of everything I get in a form of a "Daily Log". I will be updating this as I go, starting with 8 Duplicats that I have retrieved through multiple drops the day before and the day while doing this. Drops will be accounted in this, adding onto my "inventory" as I go along.

Sharpened Volcano Fragment (From Drop)
Gunslinger (From Drop)
Two Home Wreckers (From Drops)
Two Red Tape Recorders (From Drops)
The Family Business (From Drop)
Lollichop (From Drop)

Trade One:

Inventory -> 1 Refined Metal

Current Inventory:
1 Refined Metal (From Trade)

Trade Two:
1 Refined Metal -> Vintage Foster's Facade

Vintage Foster's Facade (From Trade)

And that's day one! Currently, the goal is to trade the Vintage Foster's Facade for 1.33 Ref.

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