Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Clone High Episode 1: Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand Review

Way way back on November 2002, a television show first aired on MTV, this television show was called "Clone High". Despite being a fairly well animated and written show, it only got mediocre reviews, and the station cancelled it after 13 episodes. The plot revolved around 5 teens that were cloned from famous guys and ladies, as the show says. These characters are (from left to right) JFK (The jock), Cleopatra (The beauty queen), Abe Lincoln (The awkward person), Joan of Arc (The goth), and Gandhi (The party animal).

In episode one, we start off at what I presume to be the beginning of the school year for them, as Abe, Joan and Gandhi remark about how much they have changed over the summer. After this, Abe and the gang see Cleopatra in the hall as Abe ogles over Cleo, speaking of how beautiful she is to Joan, while Joan "subtly" drops hints about how she is in love with Abe. Cleo sees Abe and invites him to JFK's party, in which he has to provide the beer for according to JFK.

Meanwhile, the principle of the school (Named Cinnamon Scudworth) is informed by a group of shadowy figures over seeing the clone project that he must write an essay proving that he understands how it is to be a student at Clone High, or he will be terminated immediately.

Everything goes as you would imagine, with Abe bringing non-alcoholic beer when his efforts get thwarted to bring real beer (though, no one actually notices, and infact still do stupid things in the name of being drunk), Cleo making out with Abe which makes JFK get jealous (not to mention that Joan was just about to confess her love to Abe when he did that), the police arriving to shut down the party, and Principle Scudworth and his robotic assistant who calls everyone "Wesley" crashing the party to get an inside look of teenagers.

I found the first episode of clone high to be enjoyable and a nice hook into the television show, not to mention it's kickin' theme song. Personally, I will be watching the rest of it to see if it gets any better from this point forward, and I will be doing a review of the rest of the episodes.

Episode Rating: 7/10

Want to watch the episode? Click here to watch!

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