Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sweet Links

Hey everybody, have some sick ass links to some sweet content that you might find yourself enjoying to the point of possible sexual substitute. If you're into non-pornographic web content.


Spain Blog 2015: LINK
This blog is done by a fellow student at the boarding school I am attending in Spain during the summer. He posts large quantities of pictures and updates almost everyday from what I see.


Sandstriker: LINK
While I've pimped my YouTube Channel here before, I find it never hurts to do it again. I post gaming videos, primarily focused on Team Fortress 2, though with other games scattered about as well. It updates every Sunday (Though much more infrequently during this summer due to Editing Software Issues).

Purplealligator: LINK
One of my best friends and a frequent player in my YouTube videos. Think about checking him out why don't you?

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