Sunday, August 3, 2014

Team Fortress 2: Weapon to an Unusual: Day 3

Here we are on day three!

Vintage Foster's Facade (From Trade)
Scrap Metal (From Trade)
Darwin's Danger Shield (From Drop)

After a lot of negotiation, I was able to get to trade four.

Trade Four:

Inventory -> Minnesota Slick

Minnesota Slick (From Trade)

This will not be updated for at least 10 days, due to me going on a vacation.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Team Fortress 2: Weapon to an Unusual: Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of my challenge! Here I started by posting my Vintage Foster's Facade for 1.33 Ref. And I just got someone add me!

As it turns out, it was just a Phisher. You get those a lot when on outpost.  Anyways:

Vintage Foster's Facade (From Trade)
Buffalo Steak Sandvich (From Drop)

I will continue checking out on servers as well, seeing if they want to trade for it.

Trade Three:
Buffalo Steak Sandvich -> Scrap Metal

While trying to sell the hat, I also had a buffalo steak sandvich drop into my hands, so I tried selling that, and sold it insanely quick. Unfortunately though, it's not what I wanted top sell.

Vintage Foster's Facade (From Trade)
1 Scrap Metal (From Trade)

Unfortunately, that is all I traded today. Maybe I'll have better results tomorrow.

Faygo Flavors Review

You may know a soda called "Faygo", a drink most known for Juggalos and Homestuck. Well, after stocking up on a ton of it during my long vacation, I'm here to give you my review on the Faygo Flavors, and give them a ranking, by using a letter grade instead of 1-10, as it will keep me out of a 7/10 rut that I most likely will be in during the Clone High Episode Reviews. Without further ado, here is the Faygo Flavor Review:

Red Pop:
This nasty piece of crap is so far the worst flavor of Faygo they could have possibly made. Don't let the strawberries fool you, this bottle of torment has the putrid flavor of cherry cough syrup, disguised to look as if it might taste like Jello. Though, I will say that the flavor "grows" on you as you drink it, slowly making you forget that you are drinking it's cancerous red juice and instead just making you think your chugging liquid sugar. So if you can get past the hump of nastiness, you should be fine.

Ranking: D

Now this is the stuff right here. Okay, well that may be over dramatizing how good it is. Really, it's just watered down grape soda, or, that's what it tastes like, at least. It's still good though, and I would prefer it to normal grape soda, due to the flavors getting more intense the farther down you are in the bottle. Good on the last few sips, but the first few are not that special.

Ranking: A-
It tastes like rootbeer.

Ranking: B

While you may be skeptical of this "Cola", I would tell you to at least try it first before dismissing it. It is, for all intents and purposes, just a Coke-a-Cola rip off, it is actually tastes pretty good, and quite sugary. I would put it's flavor around tasting like TaB, a soda which I hold dear to me.

Ranking: A

Moon Mist:
While deceptively looking like a Mountain Dew clone, it is actually more like a Sprite clone. It tastes pretty good, and is a great flavor out of the grab bag of Faygo I got. While it is good though, I really just didn't care for it, due to it's genericness of a citrus drink.

Ranking: B-